How to Integrate Keycloak with AWX
1. Navigate to setttings on AWX -> Miscellaneous System settings
2. Edit Base URL of the service to your base URL or IP
3. Go back to Settings, then SAML settings and replace the fields as shown below:
SAML Service Provider Entity ID
SAML Service Provider Public Certificate
SAML Service Provider Private Key
Generate a certificate and Public key by typing in :
openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -nodes -out saml.crt -keyout saml.key
SAML Service Provider Organization Info:
"en-US": {
"url": "http://keycloakserviceip",
"name": "keycloak",
"displayname": "keycloak"
Specify SAML Service Provider Technical Contact:
"emailAddress": "",
"givenName": "chamseddine"
Specify Service Provider Support Contact:
"emailAddress": "",
"givenName": "chamseddine"
Specify SAML Enabled Identity Provider:
"keycloak": {
"x509cert": "certificatewithoutbreakinglines",
"attr_first_name": "first_name",
"attr_email": "email",
"url": "http://keycloakserviceip/auth/realms/tower/protocol/saml",
"attr_user_permanent_id": "name_id",
"entity_id": "http://keycloakserviceip/auth/realms/tower",
"attr_groups": "groups",
"attr_last_name": "last_name",
"attr_username": "username"
Specify SAML Organization Map:
"Default": {
"users": true
"Systems Engineering": {
"remove_users": false,
"remove_admins": false,
"users": true,
"admins": [
Verify your Configuration by typing this command and upload it to keycloak when creating your client:
curl -k -L http://AwxServiceIP/sso/metadata/saml/ > awx-keycloak.xml
Keycloak Side
Create Your REALM named: tower
Import the "awx-keycloak.xml" to your REALM
Add Your certificate and Private key to your REALME
Add Mappers for the saml request nagivate to infrastructure/modules/awxsaml and type in:
Change the variable values inside file to match your service URL etc....
terraform init
terraform apply
Verify the SSO is working